.: Old HARO Constitution
This is HARO's old Quarter based Consitution and is here only for reference until the new one is ready. There are difference between this constitution and the new constitution.
The official name of the organization will be the Houghton Anime Review Organization, abbreviated with the acronym HARO.
1) To promote the appreciation of the art form of Japanese animation, anime.
2) To promote an understanding of anime.
3) To develop affiliations with other similar organizations, at the national and international level.
1) Voting membership shall be granted to those persons who are registered students at Michigan Technological University.
2) Associate memberships shall be granted to those students who are not registered students at MTU.
3) Memberships shall be for the period of one school year, starting in the fall quarter of the academic
year. All members must pay dues of $5.00 per year or $2.00 a quarter.
4) In compliance with Michigan Technological University's Board of Control Equal Opportunity Policy effective 07/20/90, HARO will not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, age, sex, sexual orientation, height, weight or marital status. The organization must also be committed to the policy of not discriminating against handicapped individuals or veterans.
I ) All officers must be voting members and have a minimum GPA of 2.0 on election.
2) Elections will occur at the next to last meeting spring quarter. Should any officer withdraw membership, an election to replace him/her will be held at the next meeting.
3) In case of malfeasance, misfeasance, non feasance, an officer may be removed from office with a 2/3 majority vote at which a quorum is present.
4) The officers and their duties are as follows.
a. President - will organize and preside over meetings, and help with the general organizing of HARO activities.
b. Vice-President - will assist the President in general HARO activities and act in the Presidents place at meetings if the President is not present.
c. Secretary - will be responsible for keeping records of HARO activities (including meetings), as well as for keeping HARO library and archives. Will chair the programming committee.
d. Treasurer - will keep all finical records including payments of membership dues and the disbursement of funds for HARO projects. Will chair the finance committee.
e. Public Relations - will be responsible for keeping contact with other organizations and promoting awareness of HARO and its activities. Will chair the PR committee.
1) Regular meetings will be held at least once per month during the regular school year.
2) Special meetings may be called be announcement; either by the president of the request of at least three voting members.
3) A quorum, for purposes of normal voting shall be defined at least 1/2 of the voting members and the president or vice-president.
4) Proxy votes will be allowed with the following limitations
a. Proxy must have written permission.
b. Proxy can be proxy for only one party.
c. Person voting by proxy have one business week to change their vote.
I ) The standing committees are as follows.
a. Programming committee this committee is responsible for selecting time, place and material watched within guidelines set by the committee chair.
b. PR committee - Facilitates trading within and with out the organization. Responsible for advertisement and assisting the PR officer.
c. Finance committee - Responsible for setting up and organizing all fundraising events and assisting the treasurer
2) Special committees shall be formed as needed, by action of the President, or by majority vote.
HARO shall have an advisor who is a member of the faculty or staff of MTU. The advisor will help maintain continuity, act as a general resource person, and aid in establishing communication between HARO and the university.
1) Dues and fundraising will generate normal HARO income.
2) Expenditures over $5.00 will require a majority vote at official meetings.
3) All expenditures must be recorded and reported to the treasurer, including minor expenses (under $5.00) and must be cleared with an officer, who will sign a receipt for it.
4) The HARO treasury will be kept in an official banking institution if needed. The treasurer will give a report of club finances at each regular meeting.
1) HARO will maintain a club library and archives. The library will consist of such material relating to the nature of HARO that comes into the possession the club.
2) HARO members may borrow items from the library; all loans must be cleared though the secretary who is responsible for maintaining and organizing the archives and library.
This constitution must be ratified by a simple majority of the charter members. It will then be given to the Dean of Students for approval.
An amendment may be proposed by any voting member. The proposal must be made in writing and presented at a regular meeting, or special event at which 2/3 the voting membership is present. The amendment will be voted on at the next regular meeting, at least one week later, thus allowing discussion and debate of the new amendment. A 2/3 majority of the voting membership is required for approval. The Dean of Students must approve it before it is implemented.
Update: 3-1-2012, 4:39pm